Glee Club Lite is the a cappella subset of the Harvard Glee Club. While the Harvard Glee Club is America’s oldest collegiate chorus, dating back to 1858, Lite has been in existence only since 1985. The purpose of Lite is twofold: first, to provide its members with an opportunity to sing rock, pop, jazz, and folk music while still maintaining the ability to sing classic choral literature with a large chorus; second, to bring entertainment to audiences worldwide with its signature blend of music and comedy. While we specialize in entertaining, we can also draw from the rich choral repertoire of the Glee Club, becoming a chamber choir for occasions of a more serious nature. Virtually all of our non-classical repertoire is arranged for voices by current or past members of Lite.
Lite is open to freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior members of the Glee Club by audition. The group is conducted and managed by a team of undergraduate students who are also members of the Glee Club.
Lite’s debut recording, Asterisk in the Program, has been on the market for a years. Every so often, we record an album to share with the public. Our fan base on and off the Harvard campus is always growing, and we look forward to exciting opportunities for future seasons. We also aim to share our performances with a broader audience, conducting a tour every year. Ever eager to perform for you, Glee Club Lite is Harvard’s most versatile a cappella singing group, combining the 150-year-old tradition of the Harvard Glee Club with a sense of showmanship and wit.